If you are looking to sell Rohde & Schwarz test equipment, consider using our consignment program for optimum investment recovery. We can add value and remarket your equipment bringing you a better return than any auction company. If you have a list of surplus assets please contact us with the details. If you are an R&S CMW500 user we have great interest in helping you sell your 4G mobile phone testers to our qualified end user base of global customers.
Regardless of your location, we can monetize your assets for you. We do all the work allowing you to focus on your core competencies.
Unlocking Value
Refurbishment is key in many cases to unlock value and bring higher returns that an “as- is” sale on your own. We also bring a global audience of qualified commercial and corporate R&S users and buyers. These customers need quality and warranty supported product from a reputable vendor. They cannot buy from a non approved source. So we add value to the assets in this aspect also by delivering a target market with repeat demand for your excess Rohde & Schwarz products.
Time is On Your Side
If you are not severely time constrained, a minimum 90 day remarketing period is most desirable. This allows for appropriate product advertising visibility and buyer capital approval cycles to intersect at a favorable price point. Naturally a faster sale cycle can be achieved for many situations, but may result in lower returns. Either way time can be a friend when selling surplus test equipment, and should be considered when your business is presented with any sale or consignment type of situation.
When using our Consignment Program, you are ultimately the decision maker on the amount and timing of any sale. If offers come in too low they can be negotiated by us upwards or rejected in favor of future offers. We entertain all offers, negotiate and close all sales, to your satisfaction. We can even assist in physical inspection, warehousing and ongoing inventory management of your test and measurement assets you are looking to sell or improve utilization of.
Just share your equipment list and your target prices with us and we do the rest.
How can we help with your surplus test equipment needs? Contact us today for a consignment consultation.