New and Used Signal Generators For Sale at Great Savings
Engineers and technicians use signal generators whenever there is a need to replicate signals. This testing solution enables users to replicate a wide selection of waveforms including digital, analog, ideal, distorted, standard, and custom. The applications are diverse, and they include R&D, manufacturing, and servicing of electronic signal systems. Test Equipment Connection carries the widest variety of New and used signal generators, from 1Mhz to 70GHz. We also take trade-ins.
Just like other test equipment, RF signal generators have been growing in complexity, power, and speed. This has been necessitated by the growing technology demands for advanced testing equipment. Today’s signal generators are capable of generating virtually all types of waveforms. In addition, these high performance signal generators are capable of reproducing signals that precisely match the expected waveforms. This is certainly the performance level demanded by today’s systems.
Wide Variety of Test Applications
General purpose signal generators have wide applications in various industries. They are the ideal tools for designing, testing, and maintaining a broad selection of electronic systems. Signal generators come in different models with each exhibiting its own strengths for a particular application. Different makes of signal generators offer different ranges of frequency. Differences are also noticeable in bandwidth, number of channels, vertical resolution, and sample rates.
Signal Generators Specials for February
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Different manufacturers offer a variety of models to meet the diverse demands of their customers. Some signal generators are designed for general purpose applications while others are optimized for particular applications. For instance, manufacturers offer testing solutions that are specifically designed for microwave applications, satellite communications, and even for the defense industry. Different applications may demand different specifications with regards to signal purity, frequency range, modulation capabilities, phase noise, switching speed, and signal stability. All these factors should be considered when one is selecting a suitable signal generator for a particular use. Although many manufacturers are still focused on offering specialized signal generators, there have been efforts to develop powerful models that can meet the varied testing challenges. A multi-purpose signal generator enables users to accomplish a broad range of testing applications with a single testing solution. Our inventory of used and new signal generators offers a wide selection to choose from. We have a wide variety of high quality refurbished models to enable you to choose the one that is well suited for your particular applications. If you are looking for a signal generator test solution for field or lab applications, contact us today for a quote.