Keysight-Agilent 4352B Signal Analyzers
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Refurbished Keysight-Agilent 4352B
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Keysight-Agilent 4352B Details
Keysight-Agilent 4352B
VCO/PLL Signal Analyzer.
The HP 4352B test system can evaluate the characteristics of VCOs and PLLs that are essential to designing local oscillators used in RF wireless eommmfication equipment. This system can provide both powerful analyzing capability for design evaluation in LAB and high speed measure-merit capability for production line test with 2 operating modes, "Signal Aualyzer" and "VCO Tester" mode.
The HP 43525, which con sists of the HP 4352B VCO/PLL Signal Analyzer and Hewlett-Packard low-noise signal generator controlled by the HP 4352B, covers up to 3 GHz and can measure the main VCO/PLL evaluation parstarlets, RF power, frequency, phase noise, spectrum, frequency transient, DC consumption current and FM deviation.
In addition, the HP 4352B provides and controls the DC power supply, the low-noise DC control voltage source and the l kHz signal source necessary for VCO tuning characterizing, This system can make high-speed measurements thanks to the dedicated firmware and "carrier lock multi-mode PLL" technology for phase noise measurement that enables the system lock unto the carrier of the measured signal automatically.
In addition, the HP 4352B has excellent phase noise performance such as -157 dBc/Hz at i MHz offset typically, so that this test system can make reliable slid repeatable phase noise measurement with up to 10 Iiilies reduction in measurement time. Actually it can measure 801 measurement points from 100 Hz to 10 MHz offset in 7.4 seconds/sweep. And adding the HP 71707A Microwave Downconver ter expands its fscquency range up to 26 GHz. Besides the powerlxtl phase noise measurement capability, the HP 43525 can measure frequency transient with 50 Hz frequency resolution and 12.5 micro seconds ttine resolution. The HP 43525 improves your VCO and I'LL evaluation efficiency and testing productivity dramatically.
See Spec Sheet for Additional Information
- 001 - DC Control Voltage Calibration