Keysight-Agilent E5504B-001 LCZ Meters
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Refurbished Keysight-Agilent E5504B-001

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Keysight-Agilent E5504B-001 Details
Keysight-Agilent E5504B-001
Phase Noise Measurement Solution, 50 kHz to 26.5 GHz
The Agilent E5504B phase noise measurement solution simplifies ATE test times for one-port VOC's, DROs, crystal oscillators and synthesizers and maximizes capability for R& D benchtop applications. The Agilent E5504B of phase noise measurement solution has been designed to simply phase noise measurements of one-port VCOs, DROs, crystal oscillators, and synthesizers and to maximize the capability for R&D benchtop applications. In addition, with a standard offset range capability from 0.01 Hz to 100 MHz, the Agilent E5504B provides the capability, flexibility and versatility to meet changing and demanding needs placed upon the R&D engineer. By building upon 30 years of Agilent Technologies low phase noise, RF design and measurement experience, the Agilent E5504B solution continues to provide excellent measurement integrity, repeatability and accuracy.
• 50 kHz to 26.5 GHz with expanded carrier frequencies to 110 GHz
• Ability to test a wide range of devices
• Measure AM noise directly
• Measure offsets to 100 MHz
• Industry leading sensitivity
• Stepped upgrade path from Agilent 3048 Systems