Acksen EC-1V-IP65-KIT Data Loggers Recorders Plotters
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Acksen EC-1V-IP65-KIT Details
Acksen EC-1V-IP65-KIT
Single Phase Single Channel Voltage Logger
Electrocorder EC-1V Single Phase Single Channel Voltage Logger (IP65, NEMA 12/4), IP65, NEMA 12/4 Logger (1 Volts Channel)
Freguency Range Options:
EC-1V-5H= 50Hz Frequency Range
EC-1V-6Z = 60Hz Frequency Range
Plug Type Option:
EC-1V-xx-NA = NEMA 5-15
EC-1V-xx-UK = BS 1363
EC-1V-xx-EU = CEE 7/16
EC-1V-xx-AZ = AS3112, NZ SS 198-1967
EC-1V-xx-SA = BS 546
*** Current range of the unit is dependant on plug / socket type used, for example, NEMA 5/15 = 15A; BS1363 = 13A ***
Used by power distribution companies, facilities management, voltage/energy optimisation companies, electrical or site services and maintenance engineers to monitor voltage variations on site helping them to diagnose any voltage related issues, or to gather data perhaps to make representations to their power supplier. Voltage optimisation companies also use the product to monitor voltage levels pre and post optimisation. Many power distribution companies use the product to highlight real voltage problems for further investigation with more sophisticated recorders. This logger uses RS232 communications with the PC, if you do not have an RS232 (9 pin D) serial port, you will need a USB to RS232 converter.
EC-1V-xx-xx-IP65-KIT includes logger (1), voltage lead (1), RS232 Lead (1), software (1) and carry case (1).
Using an Electrocorder EC-1V to record voltage.