TEXIO Kenwood LA-1485YA Details
TEXIO Kenwood LA-1485YA
It is possible to operate independently with memorized data in the unit.
A/D function that converts the analog signal (DC 0V to 10V) to the digital data and transmits to CAN bus.
D/A function that converts the CAN message to the analog signal (DC 0V to 10V).
DI function that transmits the digital input (8bit parallel) to CAN bus.
DO function that converts the CAN message to digital output (8bit parallel).
The analogue value of 1ch to 4ch that A/D converted can be transmitted to same ID of the CAN bus.
The D/A data and the A/D data can exist together on the same ID.
High Speed (ISO11898) is standard accessory.
Low speed (ISO11519) or Single wire (SAE2411) is available by factory option.