Anritsu 36584KF General Calibrators
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Refurbished Anritsu 36584KF
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Anritsu 36584KF Details
Anritsu 36584KF
VNMS 4-Port Automatic Calibrator
The 36584 series AutoCal modules are automatic calibrators
that provide fast, repeatable and high-quality coaxial calibration
for 2, 3 and 4-port S-parameter requirements. These
modules contain precisely characterized calibration standards
that aid in the removal of normal systematic errors of Vector
Network Analyzers.
The AutoCal module is guaranteed to perform within
specification for six months without re-characterization.
This characterization data is supplied with the module for
use during the calibration process.
After six months, the module can be conveniently
re-characterized using Scorpion or by returning the module
to your local service center. The process to re-characterize
the module involves using a high-quality calibration to
measure the AutoCal module. The resulting measurements
are then saved as characterization data for use during
subsequent calibrations.
AutoCal includes module characterization disk, power supply
and serial cable to support both K and N-type connector
calibrations. For measuring devices with other than these
connectors, Scorpion enables characterizing the AutoCal
module with the desired adapters for subsequent use during
- Ideal for the Manufacturing Environment
- Eliminates Unreliable Measurements due to Inaccurate Manual Calibrations
- Decrease Downtime with Fast 2, 3 or 4-Port Calibrations
- Scorpion VNMS Directly Controls AutoCal Module
- Accuracy that Exceeds OSLT Calibration, with Broadband Loads
- Characterized Modules Traceable to NIST
- Frequency Range of 10 MHz to 9 GHz
- Two-Port Configuration is also Available