Aeroflex IFR MLS-800 Testing
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Refurbished Aeroflex IFR MLS-800
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Aeroflex IFR MLS-800 Details
Aeroflex IFR MLS-800
The IFR / Aeroflex MLS-800 is microprocessor controlled bench test equipment designed to operate as a Ground Station Simulator. It provides the operator test capabilities to align and test airborne Microwave Landing System (MLS) receivers. The MLS-800 operational menu supports ICAO 1985 and ED-36A and EUROCAE ED-53A. The test equipment provides diagnostic test features for microwave landing system angle receivers. Test variables are selected via a 44-position keyboard and shown on test operational menus. The MLS-800 also supports complete main path simulation for approach (AZ), elevation (EL), high rate azimuth (HiAZ), back azimuth (BAZ) and flare (FL). Additionally, complete multi-path simulation capabilities include interference pulses and selectable fade rate modulation of 0.05, 1 and 1000 Hz.
- Complete Main Path Simulation:
- Approach (AZ) and High Rate Azimuth (HiAZ)
- Elevation (EL)
- Back Azimuth (BAZ)
- Flare (FL)
- Complete Multi-path (MP) Simulation Capability:
- Interference Pulses
- Selectable Fade Rate Modulation of 0.05, 1 and 1000 Hz
- Test Operational Menu supports ICAO 1985 and EUROCAE ED-53A and ED-36A
- Control of all Beam Parameters:
- Angular Position
- Beam Amplitude Referenced to the Preamble
- Norm and Half Width Pulse
- Selectable Beam Width at 0.5°, 1°, 2°, 3°,4° or 5°
- Test Operational Menu supports ICAO 1985 and EUROCAE ED-53A and ED-36A
- Full Range of MLS Channels
- Complete Main Path Simulation:
- Approach (AZ) and High Rate Azimuth (HiAZ)
- Elevation (EL)
- Back Azimuth (BAZ)
- Flare (FL)
- Sync Capability for:
- External Monitoring
- Designating PFE and CMN Function
- Designating Multi-path Function
- Complete Multi-path (MP) Simulation Capability:
- Preamble Parity, Symmetry and Percent Update
- Interference Pulses
- Selectable Fade Rate Modulation of 0.05, 1 and 1000 Hz
- Simulates all Basic Data Words plus Auxiliary Data Words with Parity Selectio