Exfo IQS-2100 Light Source Generators
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Refurbished Exfo IQS-2100
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Exfo IQS-2100 Details
Exfo IQS-2100
Exfo IQS-2100
Optical Light Source
Advanced testing environments require a high-performance, stable light source to guarantee accurate and reliable test results. Designed for optimal stability, the modular IQS-2100 and benchtop FLS-2100 offer this and more. Steady drive circuitry maximizes optical output power and maintains excellent stability, while precision optical components ensure low-loss, narrow-beam, truly efficient
output coupling.
-Variable output power over a 10 dB range (6 dB range for -LED sources)
-Adjustable power increments of 0.1 dB
-Stabilized laser sources
-User-friendly software solutions
Reduce interference-related problems when measuring a device s ORL with EXFO s large linewidth Fabry-Perot laser, the IQS-2100 ORL Light Source. This source is available at 1310 nm, 1550 nm and 1625 nm for use in EXFO s modular
IQS-600 platform. Combine one or many sources with the IQS-3200 Return Loss Meter to create a custom test station.