FETest PSPlus-USB ParaScope Plus-USB Protocol Analyzers
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New FETest PSPlus-USB ParaScope Plus-USB

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FETest PSPlus-USB ParaScope Plus-USB Details
FETest PSPlus-USB ParaScope Plus-USB
ParaScope Plus with USB
The test analyzer for RS-232 solutions. Combine the ParaScope PLUS with our world proven WanXL Software and monitor, simulate, and run BERT on RS-232 interfaces with sheer ease and simplicity. Connects to a PC via USB.
Some of the features of ParaScope Plus's features include:
-Convenient connection to PC via 6 USB Cable
-Operates up to 200 Kbps
-Protocol analyzer decodes Async, Sync, BiSync, Frame Relay, X.25, SNA, GR-303 TMC/CSC/EOC, ISDN PRI/BRI, encapsulated LAN and more
-Statistical analysis includes % utilization, frames/sec, throughput, frame size, errors, protocol specific, and more
- Bit Error Rate test set
-Easily create quick-launch icons for your custom created test/analyzer configurations. Quick launch icons are stored in a file for easy distribution.
-"How do I..." instructional online help
-High input impedance receivers on all monitored lines
-Double testpoint and LED for each of the eleven major RS-232 signals
-LED's for TxD, RxD, TxC, and RxC are tricolor: RED indicates a "mark" (> 3 Volts), GREEN indicates a "space" (< 3 Volts), AMBER indicates clock or data signal toggling, and no illumination indicates when signal amplitude is between 3 and +3 Volts
-LED's for RTS, CTS, DSR, DCD, DTR, RI, EXT illuminate RED to indicate a "mark" or active state
-Four programmable RS-232C Output points
-Four RS-232C level Input monitor points
-Four testpoints each for Ground, +10 Volts, and 10 Volts
-Twelve testpoints for signals 9-25 of RS-232 line
-Four rechargeable AA NiCad batteries provide three hours of operation
-Accepts four AA Alkaline batteries
-AC adapter provides AC powered operation and simultaneous battery recharging
-Dimensions: 6.22" long, 3.75" wide, and 2.17" tall