Hioki 9272-10 Power Sensors
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New Hioki 9272-10
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Hioki 9272-10 Details
Hioki 9272-10
AC Current Probe
High-precision sensors to view waveforms or to use with power meters (for AC only) The 9270/9271/9272 are wide frequency range clamp-on sensors, for use with the POWER HiTESTER (such as Model 3165). Used together with the SENSOR UNIT 9555, these allow monitoring of current waveform, and connection to a waveform recorder or oscillograph.
Basic Specifications:
Rated current 20 A AC, or 200 A AC (switched selectable, 400 A for 10 seconds)
Frequency band width 5 Hz to 10 kHz ( 2.5 % f.s.)
Accuracy (at 45 to 66 Hz) 0.5 % rdg. 0.05 % f.s., phase 0.2
Output rate (with the 9555) 2 V/rated current range (waveform output, with the 9555)
Max. circuit voltage 600 V AC rms (insulated wire), Note:The core, shield case, and electrical circuits are not insulated.
Core jaw dia. Ø46 mm(1.81 in), or 50 mm(1.97 in) × 20 mm(0.79 in) busbar
Power supply SENSOR UNIT 9555 (required)
Dimensions, mass 62 mm(2.44 in)W × 174 mm(6.85 in)H × 33 mm(1.30 in)D, 420 g (14.8 oz), cord length: 3 m(9.84 ft)
Accessories CARRYING CASE 9355 (1)