Astro med MT-95000 Series Chart Recorders Recorders Plotters
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Refurbished Astro med MT-95000 Series
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Astro med MT-95000 Series Details
Astro med MT-95000 Series
Astro-Med, Inc. MT95000 8, 12, or 16 Channel Chart Recorders
DC to 20 kHz Frequency Response
8, 12, or 16 Channel Chart Recorders
Laser Printer Resolution - 3000dpi
DC to 20 kHz Frequency Response
Data Capture - 2 Million
Sample Memory Completely Programmable Data Capture - 2 Million
Sample Memory
Easy to Use Simple Menu Driven Operation With the MT95000 only a few keystrokes are needed to select chart speeds, operating modes, sample rates, chart formats and most other functions. The menus , arranged in a straight-forward manner, guide the user through a full setup. Three complete setups can be stored in non-volatile memory and recalled with a single keystroke Host Control and
The MT-95000 can be completely programmed and operated via host control. Both RS-232 and GPIB (IEEE-488) are standard.
Chart Viewing Built-in LED display and Chart Illumination
Located directly above the waveforms, a continuous array of bright LEDs displays the waveform action, even with the chart stopped. Also, a row of internal lights illuminate the chart as it exits the recorder, allowing charts to be monitored in darkened environments
Flexible Chart Layout
Create the Chart you need with quick and easy channel order that can be changed with a few keystrokes from the front panel. You can record your data on separate or overlapping channels in a variety of formats, changing formats with just a touch. Channels can be numerically identified with a single keystroke.
Digital Data Interface DI488-950
Handles data transfer rates of up to 400 Hz per channel. Both data and commands are received via the GPIB port, standard on all MT-95000's. Featuring 11-bit data transfer, synchronized chart drive control and six valid chart formats, the DI-488-950 is ideal for low speed digital data recording. DI-16/950 was designed for applications requiring high speed (up to 500 Hz) digital data transfer. Data is transferred in one 16-bit word, which carries 11 bits of data plus command codes at the speed of the host computer (up to 500 Hz). Chart drive and data presentation commands are accepted from GPIB, RS-232 or the front panel.
Data Capture and Playback Powerful Data Acquisition Parameter Selection
Select from nine different sample rates ranging from 1 kHz to 200 kHz. Each analog board supports four channels and can capture data in two ways - all four channels may be sampled and 128 kSamples stored per channel or only one channel per board may be sampled for 512 kSamples per acquisition. Sample size can vary from 4 kSamples to 128 kSamples.
Background Capture
The MT-95000 can capture data "in the background" permitting uninterrupted real-time recording. There is no need to stop the chart until the initiation of data playback. Playback Modes Captured data can be played back in any real-time format - separate channels, overlapped channels or data logging mode - plus X-Y plot mode. Playbacks are labeled with time and date of capture, sample rate, playback time scale, effective chart speed, trigger channel and location. Any percentage of the captured data can be replayed - in any mode..