Anritsu MS371A1 Transmission Analyzers
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Refurbished Anritsu MS371A1

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Anritsu MS371A1 Details
Anritsu MS371A1
Measurement and Maintenance of M1X Multiplexers, PABXs and PCM Terminal Systems.
The MS371A1 is the same as the MS371A but also has 64 kb/s co-contradirectional interface.
The MS371A/A1 is an overall measuring instrument with many measuring functions for digital primary hierarchy transmission. It can be used to measure (1) voice encode/decode performance characteristics, (2) frame alignment/alarm test, (3) bit, code, and frame errors, (4) timing jitter, and (5) signalling, etc.
The Anritsu MS371A/A1 has most of the functions required to measure PCM systems. It is an all-purpose measuring instrument designed to improve measurement efficiency. Measurements of PCM voice encode/decode performance require much time and labor. The MS371A/ A1 stores the measurement sequence and parameters in its internal memory and makes automatic measurements to markedly improve efficiency. It has a GPIB control function, which will allow measurements of 30 channels in one sequence when combined with channel selector. It also compares the measured results to a reference value, judges them, and displays GOOD or NO GOOD automatically. The measured results can then be printed out on the built-in printer. Another special feature is that the report of the measured results can also be printed out an external printer.
In conventional measuring systems, the results are edited with a personal computer or some other external device. However, the MS371A/A1 performs this function internally and prints out to the external printer. This unique function can instantaneously prepare test performance sheets during installation and report the results of periodic maintenance without the need for manual or computer evaluation.