TTC FireBerd Interface 31812 Modules
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Refurbished TTC FireBerd Interface 31812
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TTC FireBerd Interface 31812 Details
TTC FireBerd Interface 31812
34 Mb/s Interface Module for use with TTC/Acterna 6000/6000A.
34 Mbps Interface Adapter for the 6000A. Basic signal analysis (frequency, code errors). Frame analysis for the following frame structures: G.751, G.832, and unframed E3. G.826 block and bit error analysis. Round trip delay measurement.
This module also supports these operational modes: Normal (originate/terminate mode). Line loopback (received signal is monitored and retransmitted; own transmit signal disabled). Self loopback (own transmit signal is monitored and transmitted; received signal is ignored). Test loopback (received signal is monitored and re transmitted with the ability to inject code and bit errors).