Phabrix SX-E Video Generators

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New Phabrix SX-E

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Phabrix SX-E Details
Phabrix SX-E
Introducing the next generation from PHABRIX representing a huge leap of technology encompassed in a hand held test and measurement instrument.
The Easiest To Use test and measurement device
The SxE's intuitive interface and logical workflow allow the professional engineer to quickly select from the numerous on-board toolsets. Feedback is smooth and interactive clearly displaying eye and jitter diagrams with filter selection for timing and alignment measurements on its large 4.3" 16:9 colour TFT screen.
Cursors and histogram functions allow detailed measurements to be made. These comprehensive features propel the SxE into the domain of much more expensive bench bound products. The ability of the SxE to produce eye patterns from a 3G signal is particularly significant for those users requiring a solution to testing high end products in the 3G arena. Jitter too is one of the most important issues in the design and operation of high-speed serial links and the SxE s jitter tools can be applied from SD-SDI, HD-SDI to 3G-SDI.
State-of-the-Art Technology
PHABRIX's architecture means it is always the first to benefit from new technologies and advancements. Our customers can rely on the latest technology and maximum security for their investment.

Toolset makes it suitable for all industries
The core device contains a generator, analyzer and monitor with support for 3G-SDI, HD-SDI and SD-SDI. Using simple button press control and colour coded menu system, each of the different instruments can be selected within three presses. Specific set-up preferences can be saved into the memory making the SxE personal to the specific user if required - ready to be used on repeat tasks where commissioning of equipment is important. The SxE can be upgraded with a selection of options available from our options page where tailored functionality is required.
There is a PHABRIX Sx available to satisfy the needs of every engineer and industry that utilizes test and measurement equipment. Take a tour using our downloadable simulation available from the menu under downloads to see the difference focussed technology and creative application from PHABRIX is set to impress a worldwide audience.
The PHABRIX SxE has been awarded Broadcast Engineering's'Pick Hit' at NAB 2009'
PHSXOS | Command scripts | Repeatable command sequences | $420 |
PHSXOSD | SDI display | Detailed SDI data display with ANC | $1,400 |
PHSXOR | Enhanced Remote control | TCP/IP sockets protocol | $420 |
PHSXOZ | Moving Zone plate | Programmable Y/C zone plate | $420 |
PHSXOVNC | Vanc/Anc data | Display of data stream | $420 |
PHSXOLS | Lip Sync | Generation of Lip Sync only | TBA |
PHSXEA | SxE Eye and Jitter analysis | Analysis functions (SxE only) | $1,995 |
PHSXOBD | Basic Dolby E gen/meter | Data metering only | TBA |
Advanced Sx OPTIONS | |||
PHSXOE | SxA-SxE Update - LIMITED TIME | SxA Update To SxE - Only Available On SxA Sold BEFORE Oct 1, 2009 AND ONLY FOR LIMITED TIME | $4,995 |
PHSXODOL | Dolby E Decoding | RTB upgrade | TBA |
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