Tektronix 604 Service Monitors
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Refurbished Tektronix 604
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Tektronix 604 Details
Tektronix 604
 The 604 Display Monitor meets the requirements for pulse-height analysis, infrared detection, data communications systems testing, component and logic testing, vibration analysis, phase shifts and frequency ratios using Lissajous figures, and medical instrumentation.Features:   * X and Y bandwidths: DC to 2 MHz at 3 dB down from 80% of full screen   * Deflection factor is nominally 1 V full scale   * Internally adjustable from 0.5 V to 2.5 V full scale   * Internal 5X attenuator extends the deflection factor range to 12.5 V full scale   * X-Y phase difference is not more than 1 to at least 500 kHz   * On the Z-axis, the bandwidth is DC to 5 MHz over usable range   * Adjustable sensitivity from +1 V to +5 V for full intensity control   * 0 V input cuts intensity off