Tektronix 465-05 DualTrace Oscilloscopes
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Refurbished Tektronix 465-05
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Tektronix 465-05 Details
Tektronix 465-05
Bandwidth: 100 Mhz Channels: 2
The 465 Dual Trace Portable Oscilloscope was the industry standard in 100 MHz portable oscilloscopes for many years. That's because of its incredible strength, inside and out. It has trigger view and automatic V/div readout (when used with readout style probes). Provides 5 mV/div and as fast as 5 nS/div (sweep speed). Like most other 460 and 470 series portable oscilloscopes, the 465 is dual trace and has a front-panel calibrator that provides both a precise voltage and a current for a quick calibration check of probes. The Model 465 is only 6.2" x 12.9" x 18.1" and weighs less than 23 lbs. The vertical deflection is DC to 100 MHz, that's a sharp rise time of 3.5 ns. The sweep speeds are 0.05 ?s (50 ns) to 0.5 s/div in 22 steps for channel 'A.' Channel 'B' is 0.05 ?s to 50 ms/div (19 steps). The Deflection Factors are 5 mV to 5 V/div in 10 calibrated steps. Display Modes: CH 1; CH 2 (normal and inverted); Alternate; Chopped (250 kHz rate); X-Y (selected by time/div knob, CH 1=X, and CH 2=Y). The Input Resistance and Capacitance are 1 M Ohms within 2%, paralleled by approximately 20 pF