Anritsu MS9001B1 Optical Spectrum Analyzers
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Refurbished Anritsu MS9001B1
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Anritsu MS9001B1 Details
Anritsu MS9001B1
The MS9001B and MS9001B1 are the latest multfunctonal optical spectrum analyzers with high-speed and accurate measurement capablties. The MS9001B/B1 is best for optical commununication wavelengths. The MS9001B/B1 covers wavelengths up to 1.75 um and can be used to measure 1.55 um band light-emitting elements developed for long-distance optical communications as well as the loss characteristics of optical parts and materials using white-light sources (MG922A). The diffraction gratings used in other spectrum analyzers have polarization characteristics. Therefore, the measured level of a polarzed light source such as an LD is not stable and the level accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
- Wavelength Range: 600 - 1750 nm
- Input Power Range: -70 to +10 dBm
- Power Accuracy: 2 dB
- Linearity: 0.5 dB/20 dB, 1 dB/60 dB
- Analisys Functions: LD Spectrum, LED Spectrum, Loss of Fiber, and Transmission of Filter
- GPIB Remote Interface