Com Power CGC-510E Comb Generators
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New Com Power CGC-510E
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Com Power CGC-510E Details
Com Power CGC-510E
100 KHz / 500 KHz Step Conducted Comb Generator
o Step size (MHz): 0.1 or 0.5
o Frequency Range (MHz): 0.1-30
o Quick LISN Verification
o Switchable Frequency Steps
o Amplitude Stability: +/- 0.1 dB
o Battery Powered
o Two Year Warranty
> Other Info:
The Com-Power CGC 510 Comb Generator is specifically designed to test conducted emissions setups that utilizes Line Impedance Stabilization Networks (LISNs).
The CGC510 uses the same principle that is used for verifying radiated emissions test site, can be employed to test the conducted emissions setup in an EMC test laboratory with a CGC series Comb Generator. By using the Comb Generator the test engineer can quickly identify any problems with the conducted setup before making any final measurements.