Krohn Hite 522 Voltage Calibrators
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Refurbished Krohn Hite 522
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Krohn Hite 522 Details
Krohn Hite 522
The Model 522 is a microprocessor controlled DC Voltage Calibrator and is a highly versatile reference source designed to meet the needs of today's demanding requirements for accuracy and stability. The unit's specified accuracies are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technologies.
APPLICATIONS The Model 522 is a highly accurate reference which can be used in a variety of applications such as: the design, check and calibration of high speed, high resolution analog-to-digital converters; the design and certification of high speed data logging and process control systems; and the calibration of digital voltmeters and multimeters. It may be installed in systems as an “IMBEDDED STANDARD” and/or as a simulator. It may also be used for the design, testing, simulation and certification of thermocouples, strain gages and transducer instrumentation.