Rohde & Schwarz SGMF Pattern Generators
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Refurbished Rohde & Schwarz SGMF
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Rohde & Schwarz SGMF Details
Rohde & Schwarz SGMF
TV Generator SGMF
SGMF produces NTSC baseband signals of studio quality complying with the stringent requirements of the RS-170 A standard as regards SC/H phase, burst timing reference and burst width. It is possible to insert the NTSC identification pulse into the first field of the NTSC sequence.
Over 30 video signals are avail-able:
NTC7 and FCC test signals
Crosshatch-and-dot pattern
Signals for measuring ampli-tude and group delay responses (multiburst, multipulse, H sweep, sin x/x)
Squarewave signals (bounce, 60 Hz, 15 kHz, 250 kHz, pulse-and-bar signal)
Ramp and staircase signals
Colour bar signal and red field
Special signals (pluge, coring, VIRS, eye test) and black burst
Using the genlock option it is possi-ble to insert any of these signals into the field blanking interval of a program signal. All generator func-tions including level setting can be remote-controlled via the IEC/IEEE bus.