Rohde & Schwarz TS895xGW CDMA Mobile Phone Testers
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Refurbished Rohde & Schwarz TS895xGW
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Rohde & Schwarz TS895xGW Details
Rohde & Schwarz TS895xGW
The R&S TS89xx family represents a full range of highly configurable RF test systems for user equipment (UE) and mobiles. The R&S TS8950 and R&S TS8970 represent the top end of the new, third generation of RF test systems from Rohde & Schwarz that fulfils all requirements for RF conformance tests on 2G, 2.5G, 3G and WIMAX devices.
Customized and standard solutions for R&D, development and precompliance testing are available with the R&S TS8955x test solutions. These are the R&S TS8955G, TS8955W and TS8955GW in various sizes, depending on the required functionalities. R&S TS8955 uses the same application software as the R&S TS8950.
The R&S TS89xx family is available as the
R&S TS8950W, a WCDMA RF full conformance test system
R&S TS8950GW, a dual mode GSM/WCDMA RF full conformance test system
R&S TS8952G, a GSM RF receiver conformance test system
R&S TS8952W, a WCDMA RF receiver conformance test system
R&S TS8952GW, a dual mode GSM/WCDMA RF receiver conformance test system
R&S TS8955G, a GSM RF precompliance / R&D test system or
R&S TS8955GW, a WCDMA RF precompliance / R&D test system or
R&S TS8970, a WIMAX Radio Conformance Test System (RCTT).
Upgrades among these systems are possible at any time with only small add-ons, because the R&S TS895x platform is nearly identical for GSM and WCDMA applications.