Keysight-Agilent E6432A Function Generators
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Refurbished Keysight-Agilent E6432A
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Keysight-Agilent E6432A Details
Keysight-Agilent E6432A
Keysight E6432A VXI Microwave Synthesizer
The Keysight E6432A is a three-slot register-based VXI microwave synthesizer
that delivers 10 MHz to 20 GHz signals. Signals can be CW or modulated
with AM, FM, pulse, or I and Q vectors. Optimized for system use, the VXI form factor and register based design make the E6432A ideal for system integrators who want a fast, flexible signal source to act as a local oscillator or signal stimulus within an automated environment.
The VXI Plug&Play driver is your assurance that the E6432A conforms
to the VXI standard and will integrate into your custom, VEE or LabView system software.
Key features include:
3-slot VXI register-based design
10 MHz to 20 GHz frequency range
-90 to +20 dBm output power
1 Hz tuning resolution
< 400 µs frequency switching time
AM, FM and pulse modulators standard
Optional I/Q modulator for digital modulation up to 40 MHz bandwidth.
System optimized hardware and software interfaces.
- 002 - Enhanced Frequency Modulation
- 1E1 - Add 70 dB Step Attenuator
- 300 - Add IF upconversion
- UNF - Add High Output Power (+20 dBm) 2-20 GHz
- UNG - Add I/Q Modulator, cannot co-exist with Opt. 002
- UNH - Improved Spectral Purity (10 MHz to 2 GHz)