Rohde & Schwarz ESH3 Receivers
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Refurbished Rohde & Schwarz ESH3
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Rohde & Schwarz ESH3 Details
Rohde & Schwarz ESH3
9kHz to 30MHz Test Receiver
The Automatic Test Receiver ESH 3 measures and demodulates AM, double sideband, single-sideband, pulse modulated and FM signals as well as interference in the range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz.
It is suitable for manual and programmed use as a
- Field strength meter in conjunction with suitable test antennas
- Selective RF-voltmeter (in conjunction with a current probe, it can also measure RF currents)
- System unit in automatic test systems.
It provides the following extra features and functions:
4 selectable IF bandwidths: 0.2/0.5/2.4/10 kHz.
Average, peak and quasi peak indication to CISPR16 and VDE0876 with programmable measuring times.
75 MHz broadband IF output for panoramic display (for example spectrum monitor EZM) or spectrum analyzer.
Digital level indication in selectable units.
Measurement of frequency offset, frequency deviation and modulation depth.