Teledyne LeCroy 9210 Mainframe Only General Equipment
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Refurbished Teledyne LeCroy 9210 Mainframe Only
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Teledyne LeCroy 9210 Mainframe Only Details
Teledyne LeCroy 9210 Mainframe Only
LeCroy 9200 Series, 300 MHz Programmable Pulse Generators
- Variable edge pulses (1 nsec to 1 msec) at rates to 250 MHz
- Fast 300 psec edges to 300 MHz
- Wide output swings to 32 V at pulse rates to 50 MHz
- Modular Architecture
- DC amplitude accuracy 1 percent
- Normal and complementary outputs
LeCroy 9210 - 300 MHz Programmable Pulse Generator Mainframe
- Pulse Period: 3.33 nsec to 450 msec
- Frequency: settable from 300 MHz to 2.2 Hz
- Pulse Width: 1.0 nsec to 450 msec
- Duty Cycle: alternate format for width. Settable from 1 to 99 percent
- Pluse Delay: 0 nsec to 450 msec
- 4 nsec to 450 msec
- Triggering Modes: Normal; Single; Gated; Burst; External Width
- Operating Features: Manual Trigger; Double Pulse Mode
LeCroy 9211 - 250 MHz, Variable Edge Output Module
- Maximum Rep Rates: Greater than or equal to 250 MHz
- Minimum Pulse Width: Less than or equal to 10.0 nsec
- Output Levels: into 50 ohms
- Output Voltage Range: +/- 5 volts
- Leading Edge: Less than or equal to 6.5 nsec to 95 msec
- Trailing Edge:Less than or equal to 6.5 nsec to 95 msec
LeCroy 9212 - 300 MHz, 300 ps, Variable Edge Output Module
- Maximum Rep Rate: Greater than or equal to 300 MHz
- Minimum Pulse Width: Less than or equal to 1.2 nsec
- Output Levels: (ino 50 ohms)
- Output Voltage Range: +/- 5 volts
- Pulse Performance, Minimum Transition Time: Less than or equal to 300 psec guaranteed (20-80 percent)