Keithley 580 Ohmmeters
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Refurbished Keithley 580

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Keithley 580 Details
Keithley 580
The 580 Micro-Ohmmeter combines high accuracy, resolution, and sensitivity with special capabilities for versatile 4-1/2-digit micro-ohm measurements in a wide range of applications. Test voltage can be clamped to 20mV on the 200mohms, 2ohms, and 20ohms ranges to prevent puncturing oxides and films, making the 580 Micro-ohmmeter ideal for dry contact testing. Selectable pulsed or DC drive current and polarity maintains accuracy for measurement of inductive devices and temperature-sensitive resistive components. Seven ranges span 10 Microohms to 200kohms (manual or autorange), with accuracy to within 0.04% of reading. Settling time is less than one second to within 10 counts on a given range.
10 Microohms sensitivity facilitates testing of switch contacts, connector pins, and other conductors.
20mV voltage clamp assures valid dry contact testing.
Selectable test current wave forms and polarity assure accurate measurement of temperature sensitive and inductive devices
Option 5802 - adds IEEE interface