Keysight-Agilent 33120A-001-1CM General Equipment
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Refurbished Keysight-Agilent 33120A-001-1CM
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Keysight-Agilent 33120A-001-1CM Details
Keysight-Agilent 33120A-001-1CM
The 33120A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator is a high-performance, full-function 15MHz synthesized function generator. It features sine, triangle, square, ramp, and noise waveforms, a 12-bit, 40 MSa/s, 16k-deep arbrtrary waveform generator, and both internal sweep and modulation capabilities. The unit is ideal for both bench and system applications. Both HP-IB and RS-232 interfaces are standard.
001 - Phase Lock/TCXO Timebase
106 - Benchlink Arb Software, HP 34811A
1CM - Rackmount Kit, single instrument, HP 34190A