Keysight-Agilent 5345A Counter Plug ins
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Refurbished Keysight-Agilent 5345A

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Keysight-Agilent 5345A Details
Keysight-Agilent 5345A
The 5345A Plug-in Frequency Counter with a range of 0.00005Hz to 500MHz. With plug-in converters the maximum frequency is 26.5GHz. This unit will perform frequency, period, multiple period average, time interval, time interval average, totalize, ratio and electronically controlled totalize measurements. Fully HP-IB programmable. Sensitivity is 20 mV RMS sine wave and 60 mV peak-to-peak pulse at x1. At x10 it is 250 mV RMS sine wave and 750 mV peak-to peak pulse. Resolution for frequency and period measurements is 2 nsec. Time base is 10MHz with stability of <5x10E-10 per day. Display is 11-digit LED plus sign and annunciator to display ksec to nsec, k to n, ?Hz to GHz. Sample rate continuously variable from <0.1 sec to >5 sec with hold position that maintains reading until reset. Plug-ins sold separately.
001 - Room Temperature Time Base
010 - General Purpose Interface ( gpib format, talk only)
011 - General Purpose Interface (Digital I/O plus control of all functions except input amplifier)
012 - General Purpose Interface (similar to option 011, but adds slope and level control)
908 - Rackmount Kit