Keysight-Agilent 4274A LCR Meters
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Refurbished Keysight-Agilent 4274A

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Keysight-Agilent 4274A Details
Keysight-Agilent 4274A
The 4274A Multi-Frequency LCR Meter is a microprocessor based impedance measuring instrument making the evaluation of LCR components, complex components, and semiconductor materials quick-and-easy. A wide range of components can be tested with the 4274A due to its wide frequency range of 100Hz to 100kHz and test signal levels of 1 mV to 5 VRMS. The meter measures equivalent series resistance (ESR), impedance (|Z|), phase angle (Theta), reactance (X), susceptance (B), and conductance (G), in addition to the conventional L, C, R, D and Q parameters. The 4274A measures only the value of the component and/or device under test, with 5 1/2-digit resolution and 0.1% basic accuracy by reducing the possibility of errors due to self or mutual inductance, stray capacitance and/or residual inductance in the test leads or test fixture used. This measurement is obtained by a four terminal pair configuration and a built in automatic zero offset to compensate for these errors. A self test provides an automatic operational verification check indicating a pass or fail condition.
- 001 0 to +/- 35V Internatl DC Bias
- 002 0 to +/- 99.9V Internal DC Bias
- 004 Frequency in steps 1, 3, 5 Sequence