Astro med DASH II Recorders Recorders Plotters
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Refurbished Astro med DASH II
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Astro med DASH II Details
Astro med DASH II
The DASHII Two Channel Field Recorder merits the name field recorder. Design and construction of the DASH2 qualifies it for the most rugged environmental conditions. Dual channel with DC to 500Hz. 79 chart speeds from 1mm/min to 125 mm/sec. Operates from internal battery or AC line. Uses signal conditioners for each channel. Utilizes thermal printing. Specifically conceived for high reliability and accuracy at difficult recording sites Key to accuracy, DASH 2 employs galvanometer closed loop feedback servo system Thermal tracing free from smudges and skips Rechargeable battery while in use; life cycle is 6 hrs Lightweight compact carrying case