Fluke 5100A-03-05 Voltage Calibrators
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Refurbished Fluke 5100A-03-05
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Fluke 5100A-03-05 Details
Fluke 5100A-03-05
Need an instrument accurate enough to calibrate digital multimeters? One that will supply AC & DC Voltage, AC & DC Current and Resistance? Ease-of-use and reliability are just two reasons why you'll find the 5100A Calibrator in both calibration and personal labs. DC voltage: 0 to 1100 V on six ranges with resolutions from 0.1 ?V to 10 mV, ?(0.005% of output + 0.001% of range + 5 ?V); DC current: 10 ?A to 2 Amps on five ranges with 1 nA to 10 mA resolution, ?(0.025% of output + 0.0025% of range + 0.01 ?A). AC voltage: 1 mV to 1100 V is available at 400 Hz. The maximum voltage available varies with the frequency around the 400 Hz base, reaching a 20 V max. between 20 and 50 kHz. The ACV accuracy at 400 Hz, 50-1 kHz (up to 250 V), and 1 kHz-10 kHz (up to 110 V) is ?(0.05% of output + 0.005% of range + 50 ?V). At 10 kHz-20 kHz (up to 110 V) and 20 kHz-50 kHz (up to 19.9999 V) it?s ?(0.08% of output + 0.008% of range + 50?V). AC current: 10 ?A to 2 Amps. The ACAmps accuracy is ?(0.07% of output + 0.01% of range + 2 ?A). Resistance outputs at the cardinal values from 1 Ohms to 10 M Ohms are available. The accuracy at (four terminal): 1 Ohms is 0.02%; 10 Ohms is 0.01%; 100 Ohms, 1 k Ohms, and 10 k Ohms is 0.005%. Two terminal at 100 k Ohms is 0.005%; 1 M Ohms is 0.01%; and 10 M Ohms is 0.05%.