Tektronix VM700T Video Equipment
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Refurbished Tektronix VM700T
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Tektronix VM700T Details
Tektronix VM700T
Video Measurement Set
The VM700T is a complete video measuring instrument which can be used for automatic and monitoring, as well as for manual measurements. The user can select a display of numeric values to confirm the quality of the signal path, or may select graphic displays for more detailed analysis.
01 - NTSC Measurements
11 - PAL Measurements
1S - Serial Digital Video Capability
2S - Serial Digital Video Capability
20 - Teletext Measurements
21 - Camera Measurements
22 - Sync Timing Wander Measurement
30 - Component
40 - Audio Measurement Module
41 - 6 Channel Audio Measurement Module
42 - Audio to Video Delay Measurement
48 - GPIB Interface
1C - Cabinet Version
1G - Echo/rounding Measurements
1P - Printer
1T - Calibration
1Z - Probe Adapter
3Z - Probe Adapter (3 each 067-1429-00)