Tektronix P6249 Active Probes
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Refurbished Tektronix P6249
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Tektronix P6249 Details
Tektronix P6249
The P6249 and P6241 have similar performances to the P7240. Primarily used for the TDS694C and TDS794D performance scopes, these probes may also be used with conventional BNC interfaces through the Tektronix 1103 TekProbe Power Supply. The P6249 provides 4 Vp-p dynamic range. The P6241 offers a 10X attenuation and a 8 Vp-p dynamic range plus has a lower input capacitance due to the unique probe tip. A full complement of versatile probe tip accessories helps users connect to the wide range of devices faced by digital designers.
Features & Benefits
* <120 ps Rise Time (Guaranteed)
* 4 GHz Bandwidth
* Small Form Factor Probe Head
* Direct Access to SMDs
* Oscilloscopes