Japan Radio Company Shield Cases Other Types of Equipment Specials for December

Japan Radio Company NFG-235



Japan Radio Company Shield Cases Other Types of Equipment
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Japan Radio Company NFG-235



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Founded in 1915, JRC has grown to become one of the leading companies in the field of wireless technology, radio equipment, and radar in Japan. JRC provides land mobile, personal information, and communications equipment that speed and ease voice, data and image communications. Products such as Mobile Phone Testers, Satellite communication systems, Trucked radio systems, WiFi Products, and GPS receivers. JRC is also the leading company in Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for concrete structures in Japan with a 90% market share and more than 30 years experience. JRC continues to add field proven products to their lineup, accelerating the development of their equipment, and ever strengthening the JRC brand name as a manufacturer of high quality wireless communications equipment and radars. Janatek has been designing and manufacturing PC-based logic analyzers for more than ten years and has established a proud reputation for reliable products and good customer support.
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