Keysight-Agilent J7232A General Equipment
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Refurbished Keysight-Agilent J7232A

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Keysight-Agilent J7232A Details
Keysight-Agilent J7232A
The Agilent OmniBER OTN is a powerful NGS (Next Generation SONET/SDH) & OTN tester with accurate, repeatable jitter measurements. The OmniBER OTN offers extensive test capability perfectly matched to the needs for testing new Multi-Service Platforms (MSPs). These devices require the latest NGS testing technology to ensure that they comply with the most recent standards. With G.707 high order plus low order Virtual Concatenation, G.7042 Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS), G.7041 Generic Framing Procedure (GFP) and encapsulation of Ethernet Payloads, the OmniBER OTN will ensure your devices are standards compliant and help speed up time to market. The new Encapsulation Analyzer allows users to quickly gain faster insight to the source of problems by analyzing GFP frames down to byte level.
The OmniBER OTN provides the industry's most accurate jitter generation and measurements for SONET/SDH and G.709 OTN, supporting all SONET/SDH rates to OC-192/STM-64. Increased use of modular optical transceivers (i.e. XFP/SFP) has increased the need to be able to verify the performance of individual modules. The need to ensure design conformance to the 100 mUI industry standard (specified in ANSI GR-253) is a challenge requiring extremely accurate and repeatable jitter measurement. ITU-T O.172 Appendix VII calibration techniques ensure reduced variability and improved absolute accuracy. The result is an OmniBER OTN, which guarantees a fixed error intrinsic of 15mUI at OC-192/STM-64, which is one third of the limit specified in ITU-T O172.
* Supports all telecoms transmission rates from 1.5Mb/s to 10Gb/s
* Fully standards compliant next generation SONET/SDH and OTN (ITU-T G.709) testing
* ITU-T G.7041 (GFP Framed and Transparent) compliance test
* ITU-T G.7042 (LCAS) compliance test
* ITU-T G.707 (virtual concatenation -high and low order) compliance test with full 256ms delay generation
* Internally generated Ethernet signals and measurements
* Encapsulation analyzer captures, displays and decodes entire GFP frames
* Fully standards compliant SONET/SDH/OTN jitter testing
* Industry's most accurate jitter measurement accuracy through ITU-T O.172 Appendix VII calibration and characterization
* Entire SONET/SDH & OTN overhead capture
* Optical power, frequency and service disruption times