New Avcom ADA-10A
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Avcom Computer Display Adapter for all CRT Spectrum Analyzers The ADA-10A Analyzer Display Adapters connect your Avcom Portable Spectrum to your IBM compatible PC via the parallel port. Our ADA software then enables you to view and store the spectrum display as seen on the computer monitor. Each stored record includes the associated settings (center frequency, span, reference level, and sweep rate) and resulting figures (start and stop frequencies, total span and resolution bandwidth). You can also add notes for related information such as location conditions, etc. when the trace was recorded. In display mode, two traces can be viewed simultaneously, one that has been saved and a new trace for comparison. The ADA-10A require a modular connector on the rear of the analyzer. New units now come configured for the ADA-10A. When ordering this accessory for an older analyzer which does not have the connector, the unit must be returned to the factory for modification. |
Avcom ADA-10A datasheet & specifications