Willtek 2201 WCDMA Mobile Phone Testers
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Refurbished Willtek 2201
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Willtek 2201 Details
Willtek 2201
Also branded as Aeroflex
The 3G mobile phone tester for repair shops.
Willtek’s 2201 ProLock is a reasonably priced test instrument for 3G mobile phones and wireless data cards. Level 1 and level 2 service shops use ProLock to quickly test wireless devices, perform smaller repairs and bill manufacturers for warranty claims.
The 2201 ProLock is similar to the 4100 and 4200 series instruments because it is small, easy to use and affordable to large mobile phone retailers with a repair shop in the back office. ProLock, however, supports both GSM and WCDMA phones and wireless devices. Many mobile phones today include WCDMA functionality; manufacturers start to demand WCDMA testing in case of warranty claims from repair shops. ProLock fills the gap between the cheap GSM-only testers and sophisticated 3G test sets!
Local, small and medium size repair shops have been replaced by centralised repair factories. This led to customer dissatisfaction and high cost for small repairs or in the No Fault Found case. With the 2201 ProLock, smaller repair shops filter out these phones and return them to the customer almost immediately, resulting in satisfied customers and low cost of reverse logistics.
With the design of the 2201 ProLock, your workbench stays clear for the repair because the RF connector is on the back of the instrument. The only plug on the front panel connects the 2201 with an external computer mouse or keyboard – but you don't necessarily need any of these.