Rigol DS1302CA Digital Oscilloscopes
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Refurbished Rigol DS1302CA
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Rigol DS1302CA Details
Rigol DS1302CA
Bandwidth: 300.0 MHz Channels: 2
300 MHz DSO 2 Channel, 2 GSa/s
RIGOL DS1000A is the first national digital oscilloscope with 2GSa/s real-time sample rate, 50GSa/s equivalent sample rate, and up to 300MHz bandwidth. These high performances ensure not only to capture real-time instantaneous signal, but also to observe details of repeated signal. DS1000A have up to 2000 wfms/s refresh rate, which enable users to capture instantaneous signal and abnormal signal more quickly, to enhance waveform capturing ability, and to expedite circuit debug course. Other advantages: 64K 5.7 color LCD, bright and vivid waveform display; versatile trigger modes: slope, alternative, rise & fall edge, enable users to stabilize signal more easily. In economical oscilloscope field, DS1000A have no doubt the highest performances, the most functions thus should be engineers best choice. * Bandwidth: 300MHz * Real Time Sample Rate: 2GSa/s * Equivalent Sample Rate: 50GSa/s * Memory Depth: 10 kpts (Single Channel), 5kpts (Dual Channels) * Rise Time: 1.2ns * Time Base Range: 1ns/div to 50s/div * Input Impedance: 1MOhm || 15pF, 50 Ohm * Trigger Modes: Edge, Video, Pulse Width, Slope, Alternate * Trigger Sources: Ch1, Ch2, Ext, Ext/5, AC LineCompare to Instek and LeCroy