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Refurbished Fluke Ti50FT-20-54

Fluke Ti50FT-20-54

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Minimize Downtime and Take the Mystery Out of Image Analysis
The Ti50FT, an articulating thermal imaging camera offers 320 x 240 resolution with IR-Fusion® technology the blending of digital and infrared images into a single image and delivers crisp, quality images, helping you better identify and report issues in hard to reach places. With thermal sensitivity of = 0.07°C at 30°C (70 mK) and a temperature range from -20° to 350°C (-4° to 662°F) the Ti50 is ideal for troubleshooting electrical and mechanical applications, predictive maintenance, quality control, process monitoring and research and development.

A Sharper Image at 180° Angle
View and capture images in areas with poor accessibility with the 180° articulating lens and a five inch display that remains clearly visible during inspection. The SmartFocus wheel simplifies getting a stable and sharp image and SmartView® Software allows for IR analysis and reporting and is included at no additional charge. Save time and money, identify problems easily and quickly with the Ti50FT.

For a non-articulating thermal imaging camera with a high temperature range and low thermal sensitivity (NETD), the Ti400 is an alternative choice. It features wireless connectivity for quick and easy sharing of images, LaserSharp® Auto Focus for consistently in-focus images - every, single, time and a ruggedized high resolution 640x480 capacitive touch screen for quick menu navigation.

Fluke Ti50FT-20-54 datasheet & specifications

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