Refurbished Communication Components Inc PiMPro 1921
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By design, the family of PiMPro Precision Passive Intermod Analyzers provide precise measurement of the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th order of intermodulation of any system or component under high-power conditions. In addition to passive intermodulation measurements, the units will provide VSWR and Return Loss values. PiMPro Analyzers can be used to verify the integrity of individual passive components including connectors, cable assemblies, antennas, filters, making them an integral performance tool in the field and in the lab. PiMPro’s main measurement screen provides instantaneous PIM measurement in both dBc or dBm. The large display flashes to annunciate the presence of RF power at the output connector. Pass/Marginal/Fail Limits, Output Power, Frequency and IM settings originate from this screen. PiMPro’s unique Return Loss diagnostic feature at high transmit (TX) power, quickly points out open cables. Features: |

Communication Components Inc PiMPro 1921 datasheet & specifications