New Albedo Telecom AT.EGenius.HH
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Albedo Telecom Ether.Genius is and hybrid TDM and Ethernet / IP generator and analyser.It comes with optional synchronization (jitter and wander)
testing capabilities. Ether.Genius is suitable for testing in environments
where packet switching has not totally replaced legacy circuit
switching technology, like in some cellular networks. As Gigabit Ethernet tester, Ether.Genius offers multistream Ethernet traffic generation and analysis over dual electrical and optical interfaces up to 1 Gb/s, RFC 2544 and eSAM (ITU-T Y.1564) tests and advanced quality of service testing. As a TDM tester it includes BER tests, add&drop to datacom interface, extensive error and alarm analysis and jitter/wander testing. Features: |
Albedo Telecom AT.EGenius.HH datasheet & specifications