Refurbished Comtech PST CMR-8500
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The Comtech EF Data (CEFD) DVB IP Encapsulator (IPE) provides the highest packet processing performance on the market today. The CMR-8500 encapsulates Ethernet/IP Unicast or Multicast packets, as specified by DVB Multiprotocol Encapsulation (MPE) recommendation (documented in ETSI EN 301 192) and formats the sections into MPEG-2 transport frames for transmission over an Asynchronous Serial Interface (ASI) link or Gigabit Ethernet (GE) interface over Code of Practice 3 (CoP3) as outlined by the ProMPEG specification. The CMR-8500 DVB IP Encapsulator is available in the following configurations:
Based on an embedded architecture, the CMR-8500 provides the following features:

Comtech PST CMR-8500 datasheet & specifications