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New Picotest G5100A

Picotest G5100A

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50 MHz Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator with built-in GPIB

The Picotest G5100A 50 MHz Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator can create stable, precise, clean and low distortion sine waves by using DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) Technology. With fast rise and fall times up to 25 MHz for square waves and 200 KHz for linear ramp waves , the G5100A also can reach users demand on waveforms. It can also can generate variable-edge-time pulses up to 10 MHz. With variable period, pulse width and amplitude the G5100A is perfectly suited to applications requiring a flexible pulse signal

If an unique Waveform is needed, the G5100-A can generate variable-edge-time pulses up to 10 MHz. With variable period, pulse width and amplitude the G5100A is perfectly suited to applications requiring a flexible pulse signal.

Included in the purchase, Picotest Waveform Editor Software Wavepatt allows users to create, edit and download complex waveforms. In addition, users can retrieve waveforms from Agilent Oscilloscope MSO 8104 by using the Wavepatt Software. A User can use Wavepatt to create and store 16-bit data in G5100A. The data can be transmitted via Pattern Out from G5100A rear panel as source for control.

The front-panel operation of G5100A is simple and user friendly. Users can enter all functions with a single key or two, and use knob or numeric keypad to adjust frequency, amplitude, offset and other parameters. Otherwise, users can also directly input voltage values in Vpp, Vrms, dBm or high & low levels. Timing parameters can be entered in Hertz (Hz) or second. Users can easily use the following functions.

  • Internal modulations of AM, FM, PM (PSK), FSK & PWM for waveform adjustment.
  • Built-in linear and logarithmic sweeps from 1ms to 500 s.
  • The burst mode has a selectable number of cycles per period of time.
  • Using remote control via USB, LAN or Opt. GPIB interface.
  • The programmability by SCPI commands under the remote control connection.
  • Precise phase adjustments and calibrations can be done from the front panel or via a PC.
The G5100A external frequency reference allows users synchronizing to an external 10 MHz clock, to another G5100A, or any other unit which can support 10-MHz-frequency-input function

  • 50 MHz Sine, 25 MHz Square & 10 MHz arbitrary Waveforms
  • 14-bit, 125 MSa/s, 256 K-point Arbitrary Waveform
  • Pulse, Ramp, Triangle, Noise & DC Waveforms
  • Linear & Logarithmic Sweeps & Burst Operation
  • AM, FM, PM (PSK), FSK & PWM Modulation Types
  • Amplitude Range, 20 mVpp to 20 Vpp into Open Circuit
  • Remote Control via USB, LAN or Opt. GPIB
  • Graph Mode for Visual Verification of Signal Settings
  • 16-bit Data Output via Pattern Out
  • Free Waveform Editor Software Wavepatt
  • User Friendly Operation

Picotest G5100A datasheet & specifications

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