New Albedo Telecom AT.NA.Serv.A
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Server A - Base software with no licenses limitation Net. Audit is a quality monitoring system at the IP layer, which measures the parameters that manage QoS of Multiplay applications. It is also a solution that can verify SLA and identify causes of quality degradation. Whether you are implementing a major change of your IP infrastructure, or just want to get your existing environment analysed, ALBEDO Telecom can help provide detailed analysis of the Quality of Service and Bandwidth Performance of your IP network. Thereafter, it will be easier for you to plan ahead and concentrate on your business while we help to optimise your network, which is typically a number of internal LANs connected by external operated WANs. New features just developed and available since Jan 2012 include: VLAN support IEEE 802.1Q) Many custom SLA tests per interface / port Many simultaneous traffic tests per probe Advanced reporting capabilities and e-mail reports Features and Benefits: Universal & independent operator, vendor, topology Web Browser access Minimum config needs Milliseconds accuracy Check multiplay services Discover VoIP/IPTV quality Identify causes of low QoS Find connectivity limitations Get the Best from your Operator and you Macro LAN Applications: QoS monitoring SLA definitions Minimum config needs SLA verification Network Certification Network QoS Auditing VoIP/IPTV prequalification Determines the ITU-T Y-1541 Users: Carriers and IP services Operators Installers of VoIP and IPTV Enterprises willing to verify QoS and SLA Regulatory Authorities Network Certification |
Albedo Telecom AT.NA.Serv.A datasheet & specifications