New Albedo Telecom AT.2048.BASE
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E1 Tester interface G.703 2048 kbit/s Dual port generation and analysis. G.703 co-directional interface. Analysis with the synthesized clock and recoved. Perfomance Analysis G.821, G.826 and M.2100. Measurements of frequency and power. Generation and Analysis CAS ABCD bits. Delay measurement in the E1 and co-directional interfaces. Schedules and histoframs. Report generation and export. Minumum operation time with one battery pack 4.5h., two battery pack 9h. (Includes on NiMH pack, transportation bag, BNC coaxial connectors- DIN 1.6/5.6). The AT-2048 is the ultimate E1 tester designed in 2011 for field engineers that are installing, commissioning and troubleshooting E1 links, Synchonization Networks, and Datacom circuits. This instrument, designed and manufactured in Europe by ALBEDO Telecom, is a brand new platform, incorporating the latest available electronics, consequently you will enjoy top performance, high accuracy and, of course, a very competitive price. Take a look and try this innovative and flexible tool, you will love it after discovering how the latest FPGA can overcome previous limitations in accuracy, space or performance. Honestly, nothing else can really be compared with this outstanding update for E1/Datacom/Jitter/Wander testing. Features and Benefits
Albedo Telecom AT.2048.BASE datasheet & specifications