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Refurbished New Focus 6200

New Focus 6200

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External-Cavity Tunable Diode Laser Controller

The New Focus 6200 series External-Cavity Tunable Diode Laser is a stable, narrow-linewidth source of tunable light. The 6200 series laser can be operated manually from the front panel of the controller or remotely using computer control.

The 6200 series laser incorporates a simple, stable mechanical design with a minimum number of optical components. Low-noise analog circuits precisely set critical operating parameters, such as diode temperature and current. Digital control facilitates remote operation and computer interfacing. The 6200 is a modular system. The same control unit will work with any 6200 series laser head. The control units work in both manual and remotely programmed modes and are compatible with RS-232 and GPIB addressing. We’ve incorporated Picomotor technology in the laser head to bring you hands-free wavelength scanning capability. You set the start and stop wavelengths and scanning speed and the microprocessor-controlled Picomotor takes care of the rest. The unique cavity design assures continuous tuning with minimal mode hopping.

Tunable External-Cavity Diode Lasers:
6210 - 25mW; 620 645 nm
6202 - 25 mW; 645 700 nm
6224 - 50 mW; 700 800 nm
6226 - 75 mW; 800 900 nm
6238 - 75 mW; 900nm 1.2ìm
6248 - 20 mW; 1.2 1.4 ìm
6262 - 20 mW; 1.4 1.6 ìm

New Focus 6200 datasheet & specifications

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