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Refurbished Wavetek MMF-4350 Series

Wavetek MMF-4350 Series

Request Information
Acterna/Wandel Goltermann/Willtek Mobile Fault Finder

The mobile phone market has been waiting for an AMPS, TDMA and CDMA performance test set, which is precise and affordable. Each model of the brand-new WWG MMF4350 series fulfills these requirements. The graphical user interface makes the test systems very easy to use. All that needs to be done to check a mobile phone is to press the Start button and the test will run automatically. Within seconds it will show whether the mobile phone is defective or not.

The WWG MMF-4350 series is a series of test systems for Point-of-Sales and filter service requirements, providing fast Go/NoGo decisions. Even nontechnical persons can tell within seconds whether the mobile phone is operating correctly. Depending on the model of the test set, AMPS, CDMA, TDMA as well as their 1900 MHz bands (PCS) mobile phones can be tested. All necessary parameters and functions of the mobile phone are checked by simulating real network conditions. The test results can be printed and handed to the customer. The print-out indicates the status of the mobile phone either as a PASS or a FAIL.

If a mobile phone user, for example, complains about bad sensitivity, it does not necessarily mean that there is a problem with the phone. Bad sensitivity can also be caused by a network coverage problem in the area where the mobile phone is being used. This type of problem could certainly not be established by making a call inside the shop or if the mobile is simply exchanged. All it takes is a precise measurement with a WWG MMF-4350 to give the mobile phone user proof of the phone’s performance. When no fault can be found, the reason for dropped calls needs to be investigated with the customer. If there is for example a network coverage problem around his home area a loaner phone would fail as well.

Ordering Models:
MMF-4351- AMPS (includes NAMPS) I- 4351
MMF-4352- AMPS / CDMA I -4352
MMF-4353- AMPS / CDMA / PCS I- 4353
MMF-4354- AMPS / TDMA I -4354
MMF-4355- AMPS / TDMA / PCS I- 4355

Wavetek MMF-4350 Series datasheet & specifications

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