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New Avcom LPT-2500B

Avcom LPT-2500B

Request Information
Analyzer 5MHz to 2.5GHz

Small Compact Design
The LPT-2500B was designed for the Field Engineer to have a very useful, compact tool that can easily be carried as a companion to his/her laptop computer. The LPT-2500B eliminates the need for carrying around a big bulky bench-top unit or separate hand held case as it fits comfortably alongside a laptop computer in a carry-on bag. The LPT-2500B can have dual switching inputs so that you can easily setup cross pole or monitor 2 different feeds. The inputs are wideband (5MHz to 2.5GHz) so the unit can be used in a number of RF applications.

Improved Performance & Specifications
The LPT-2500B was designed for excellent frequency and amplitude accuracy with a wide variety of resolution bandwidth selections ranging from 10KHz to 1MHz. This is required to allow for viewing and monitoring of small TT&C and data carriers found in many satellite communications markets today. The wideband input will also allow for monitoring of a 10MHz reference signal as well.

Versatile Graphical User Interface
The new Avcom Graphical User Interface (GUI) is based on the National Instruments Labview Platform and has been customized for several of our customer's applications. The Avcom GUI will run on the WINDOWS 2000, XP, and Vista platforms. Avcom also offers a multi user version of the software so that multiple users can monitor at the same time.

  • Improved Amplitude & Frequency Accuracy
  • 4 Resolution Bandwidth Selections
  • USB, Ethernet & Serial Comms
  • Ability to Monitor the 10MHz Reference Signal
  • User Friendly and Intuitive GUI
Number of Inputs:
1 Single Input (1)= Standard
2 Switchable Inputs (2) = Additional $500.00

Input Connertor Type:
BNC 50 Ohm (B) = Standard
TNC 50 Ohm (T) = No Charge
N 50 Ohm (N) = No Charge
SMA 50 Ohm (S) = No Charge
F 75 Ohm (F) = No Charge

Avcom LPT-2500B datasheet & specifications

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