Refurbished Agilent Option-N5182A-506-UNZ
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Agilent/HP N5182A MXG RF Vector Signal Generator Featuring fast frequency, amplitude, and waveform switching, high power with an electronic attenuator, and high reliability -all in two rack units (2RU) Options: 006 = Instrument security 012 = LO In/Out for phase coherency 019 = Upgrade baseband generator memory to 64 Msa 1CM = Rackmount kit 1CN = Front handle kit 1CP = Rackmount with front handle kit 1CR = Rack Slide Kit 1EA = High output power 1EL = Differential I/Q outputs 1EM = Move all connectors to rear panel 1EQ = Low power (<-110dBm) 1ER = Flexible reference input (1-50MHz) 430 = Multitone and two-tone 431 = Custom digital modulation 432 = Phase noise impairment 503 = Frequency range from 100kHz to 3GHz 506 = Frequency range from 100kHz to 6GHz 651 = Internal baseband generator (30 Msa/s, 8 Msa) 652 = Internal baseband generator (60 Msa/s, 8 Msa) 654 = Internal baseband generator (125 Msa/s, 8 Msa) 800 = Customer service kit front panel connector configuration 801 = Customer service kit rear panel connector configuration AXT = Hard Transit Case UNT = AM, FM, phase modulation UNU = Pulse modulation UNV = Enhanced dynamic range UNW = Add Narrow pulse modulation UNZ = Fast switching |
Agilent Option-N5182A-506-UNZ datasheet & specifications