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Refurbished Rohde Schwarz FSEM30-B4-B5-B7-B15

Rohde Schwarz FSEM30-B4-B5-B7-B15

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Rohde & Schwarz, Inc. FSEM30 26.5GHz, Spectrum Analyzer

The Rohde & Schwarz, Inc. FSEM30 spectrum analyzer is a wide band, very sensitive receiver. It works on the principle of "super-heterodyne receiver" to convert higher frequencies (normally ranging up to several 10s of GHz) to measurable quantities. The received frequency spectrum is slowly swept through a range of pre-selected frequencies, converting the selected frequency to a measurable DC level (usually logarithmic scale), and displaying the same on the CRT of the Rohde & Schwarz, Inc. FSEM30. The CRT displays received signal strength (y-axis) against frequency ( x-axis).

Some applications for Rohde & Schwarz, Inc. FSEM30 Spectrum Analyzers include Site Monitoring: Verify that the frequency and signal strength of your transmitter is accurate. Interference: Before a system is installed you use a Rohde & Schwarz, Inc. FSEM30 spectrum analyzer to verify that the frequencies (you plan to use) are not occupied or if the presence of a very strong signal will interfere with your new setup. Interference can be created by a number of different situations. Other tests that utilize the Rohde & Schwarz, Inc. FSEM30 spectrum analyzer features include antenna isolation, co-channel interference, adjacent channel power, occupied bandwidth, intermodulation, microwave or satellite antenna alignment, and characterization of components.

* 24-cm LCD 9.5" display
* Measur uncertainty - 1GHz: 1dB
* Int RF trig for GATED SWEEP me
* More than 20 sweeps/s
* 8 Markers
* Frequency counter w/ sel resolution
* Numerous level & Frequency lines
* Split-screen display
* Quasi-analog display

Rohde Schwarz FSEM30-B4-B5-B7-B15 datasheet & specifications

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